Prepared fruits

Codal Madagascar
Malagasy fruits sometimes have a presentation that does not quite correspond to commercial presentation standards, but they are always tasty, fragrant, and above all natural because they come from small traditional family farms. CODAL in partnership with multiple producers throughout the Island, researches and selects the best local products from the Big Island. The variety of the relief and the climates of the 4th largest island in the world, allows the cultivation of apples, apricots, strawberries, blackberries, as well as lychee, mango, guava, physalis …
Nectar & Fruit Juices - Codal Madagascar

Nectars & Fruit juices

Bifruit - Codal Madagascar


Codal Light - Codal Madagascar

Codal Light

Jams - Codal Madagascar


 Fruits in syrup - Codal Madagascar

Fruits in syrup
